2.6 Financial Planning and Budgeting
Financial planning shall not:
A. Deviate materially from the Shared Vision (ENDS),
B. Compromise fiscal prudence or integrity, or
C. Fail to reflect a multi-year plan that reflects both the financial and spiritual dimensions of our stewardship
Further, without limiting the scope of the foregoing by this enumeration, the President shall not:
- Fail to present at the Board of Trustees’ April meeting:
- A balanced operating budget for each of the Association’s business segments based on reasonable planning assumptions, including projections of revenue and expenses for the fiscal year beginning on July 1. The budget must include revenue and expense projections for each budget section, including current operations, congregational loans, Beacon Press, General Assembly, and the Unitarian Universalist (UU) Common Endowment Fund.
- A capital budget for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, based on reasonable financing and depreciation assumptions.
- A proposed budget for the following fiscal year, which will be received by the Board as information.
- Fail to periodically provide to the Board an assessment of current property holdings, including the elements specified for such assessments in policy 2.7.6.