3.0 Global Governance Commitment [Governance Process]: UUA Governance Manual Section Three
The purpose of the Board, on behalf of the Sources of Authority and Accountability, is to ensure that the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) (a) achieves appropriate results for appropriate persons at an appropriate cost, and (b) avoids unacceptable actions and situations.
The Board will inspire, direct and hold accountable the administration and itself through the careful establishment of broad written policies reflecting Unitarian Universalist values and perspectives.
Our Sources of Authority and Accountability are defined as:
- Our member congregations
- Current and future generations of Unitarian Universalists
- The heritage, traditions, and ideals of Unitarian Universalism
- The vision of Beloved Community
- The Spirit of life, love, and the holy
3.1 Governing Style
The Board will govern with an emphasis on (a) outward vision, (b) encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, (c) strategic leadership, (d) clear distinction of Board and President roles, (e) collective, (f) future, (g) pro-activity, and (h) an open and transparent process.
3.2 Board Job Description
As informed and elected leaders of our Association of member congregations, the UUA Board of Trustees assures organizational performance by creating, communicating, and monitoring organizational systems and performance, in accord with established Board policy.
3.3 Board and Board Member Code Of Conduct
The Board commits itself and its members to act in adherence with the UUA bylaws, to conduct themselves ethically, businesslike, and lawfully, and to act with respect for others, with proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when serving as Trustees.
3.4 External Relations
Speaking with one voice is an important value of the Board. To achieve this, the board will formally delegate official authority to speak on behalf of the organization in the public arena.
Committee chairs, working group conveners and officers are authorized to communicate with members of the press concerning areas of Board discussion, deliberation and action within the scope of their authority following meetings of their respective groups.
3.5 Agenda Planning
The Board will follow an annual agenda which (a) advances and/or reevaluates the relevance of its Shared Vision (ENDS) and (b) continually improves Board performance through Board education and enriched input and deliberation.
3.6 Election Of Officers And Officer Roles
The General Assembly elects the Moderator (CGO) and Financial Advisor. The Board elects the Financial Secretary, Vice Moderator, and the Secretary. The Board also appoints the Youth Observer(s), Recording Secretary, and the Treasurer of the UUA.
3.7 Board Committee Principles
Board committees will be used sparingly and, when used, will be chartered to reinforce the wholeness of the Board’s responsibilities and to never interfere with delegation from Board to President.
3.8 Cost Of Governance
Because poor governance costs more than learning to govern well, the Board will invest in its governance capacity.
3.9 Board / General Assembly Relations
Pursuant to the Bylaws, the Board shall act for the Association between General Assemblies.
3.10 Board Need for General Assembly General Session Time
The Board shall define its need for General Assembly General Session time.
Appendices to Section Three
3.A Monitoring Schedule
(October 2015)
3.B Recurring Agenda (PDF)
(Obsolete and undergoing revisions)
3.C Source Operational Definitions
(October 2012)
3.D Procedures
(May 2019)
3.E Reimbursement of Foregone Income
May 2019