Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: A Chorus of Faiths: A Program That Builds Interfaith Youth Leaders

Faith In Action: The True Story of the Flaming Chalice

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Read Handout 1, The Flaming Chalice and the story, "Righteous Among the Nations," and familiarize yourself with both.
  • Copy the handout and the story for all participants.
  • Optional: The story of the flaming chalice is available as a pamphlet from inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop; order one or more copies in advance.

Description of Activity

Provide participants with copies of The Flaming Chalice (Handout 1, or a pamphlet) and the story "Righteous Among the Nations."

Invite the group to retell the story of the creation of the flaming chalice and/or the work of Martha and the Reverend Waitstill Sharp to others in the congregation.

Lead the group to choose and implement a storytelling project. Participants may wish to:

  • Work with the minister, religious educator, or other worship leader to write and perform a skit or play as part of a worship service
  • Create a puppet show or other dramatic presentation
  • Make a video recording of their storytelling presentation, or produce a dramatic video to post on the congregation's website.