Workshop 2: We Need Not Think Alike to Love Alike Part of A Chorus of Faiths, High School Youth: Unitarian Universalists as Interfaith Leaders In This Section Introduction From A Chorus of Faiths I cannot tell you what I am going to do until I can tell you the story or stories that I am part of. — Alisdair McIntire, 20th-century philosopher and virtue ethicist We need not think alike to love alike. — Francis David (c. 1510-1579), founder of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania This... Workshop-at-a-Glance From A Chorus of Faiths Activity Minutes Opening 15 Activity 1: Story — Righteous Among the Nations 10 Activity 2: Ethic of Reciprocity 15 Activity 3: Community Asset Mapping 20 Activity 4: Planning the Interfaith Service Event, Part 2 20 Faith in Action: The True Story of the Flaming Chalice Closing 10 Alternate... Spiritual Preparation From A Chorus of Faiths The Buddhist concept of "beginner's mind" can be helpful when engaging with familiar stories. Even if you already know the story of the flaming chalice, try to review it before this workshop without expectations. Perhaps you will connect to different details in the story, because experiences have... Opening From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Name tags and markers Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Chalice, candle and lighter or LED battery-operated candle Handout 1,The Flaming Chalice Optional: Copies of the UUA pamphlet "The Flaming Chalice" fo... Activity 1: Story - Righteous Among the Nations From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Righteous Among the Nations" Preparation for Activity Read the story and prepare to present it effectively. Optional: Copy the story for all participants.... Activity 2: Ethic of Reciprocity From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 2, The Good Samaritan Leader Resource 1, Puzzle Cards, card stock and scissors A timepiece (seconds) A special snack, enough for all participants Optional: Tape Preparation for Activity Copy Handout 2, The Good Samaritan, for all participants. Activity 3: Community Asset Mapping From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Handout 3, Community Asset Mapping Worksheet Handout 4, Community Asset Mapping List Pencils/pens Multiple copies of local phone books Maps of surrounding community, if available Optional: Computer with Internet access and printer Optional: Large b... Activity 4: Planning the Interfaith Service Event, Part 2 From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 20 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint, markers, and tape Time line or calendar (from Workshop 1) Preparation for Activity Post blank newsprint. Post the program time line and/or calendar. Description of Activity Find out what interfaith service opportunities these particular... Closing From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Copies of Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Adapt Taking It Home and copy for all participants or arrange to distribute by email after the workshop.... Leader Reflection and Planning From A Chorus of Faiths Meet with your co-leaders after the session to reflect. Are participants clear on the concepts of religious pluralism and interfaith service? Are you able to find ways to involve all youth fully despite any limitations they might have?... Faith In Action: The True Story of the Flaming Chalice From A Chorus of Faiths Materials for Activity Handout 1, The Flaming Chalice A copy of the story "Righteous Among the Nations" Props for a dramatic presentation, such as costumes, puppets, and arts and crafts materials Optional: Video recording equipment Preparation for Activity Read Handout 1, The Flaming Chalice and ... Alternate Activity 1: Oranges and Oranges From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Oranges, one per participant, of roughly equal size Clean basket or bowl Hand sanitizer Waste receptacle for orange peels Optional: Material to line the basket, if needed Preparation for Activity Arrange unpeeled oranges in the basket.... Alternate Activity 2: I Do Interfaith Work Because... From A Chorus of Faiths Activity time: 15 minutes Description of Activity Ask participants to spend five quiet minutes reflecting on their personal ethic for treating their neighbor well, and for interfaith cooperation.... Taking It Home: We Need Not Think Alike to Love Alike From A Chorus of Faiths I cannot tell you what I am going to do until I can tell you the story or stories that I am part of. — Alisdair McIntire, 20th-century philosopher and virtue ethicist We need not think alike to love alike. — Francis David (c. 1510-1579), founder of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania IN TODAY'S... Righteous Among the Nations From A Chorus of Faiths Adapted from "Unitarian Couple Honored for World War II Bravery," a story by Michelle Bates Deakin, first published December 12, 2005, by UU World.What Rosemary Feigl remembers most clearly about the woman who rescued her from the Nazis is her hat.... Handout 1: The Flaming Chalice Dan Hotchkiss From A Chorus of Faiths At the opening of Unitarian Universalist worship services, many congregations light a flame inside a chalice. This flaming chalice has become a well-known symbol of our denomination. It unites our members in worship and symbolizes the spirit of our work. The flaming chalice combines two... Handout 2: The Good Samaritan From A Chorus of Faiths From the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10, Verses 25-37; New Revised Standard Version. Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he said, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" He said to him, "What is written in the law?... Handout 3: Community Asset Mapping Worksheet Interfaith Youth Core (IYC) From A Chorus of Faiths Potential Allies Who do I know? Who should I know?... Handout 4: Community Asset Mapping List From A Chorus of Faiths Provided by the Interfaith Youth Core. Used by permission.Faith Communities Faith communities are an important resource because their members and leaders already recognize the role of religion in city life and as an inspiration to service. Additionally, faith communities are already organized,... Leader Resource 1: Puzzle Cards From A Chorus of Faiths These Puzzle Cards are for Activity 2, Ethic of Reciprocity. Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From A Chorus of Faiths Learn about the current work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. For resources on differences and similarities between various faiths, visit the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, the BBC guide to world religions, or the website BeliefnetBridge-builders... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: A Chorus of Faiths NEXT: Introduction Download all of A Chorus of Faiths (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.