Part of A Chorus of Faiths
I cannot tell you what I am going to do until I can tell you the story or stories that I am part of. — Alisdair McIntire, 20th-century philosopher and virtue ethicist
We need not think alike to love alike. — Francis David (c. 1510-1579), founder of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania
This workshop focuses both figuratively and literally on the question, "Who is my neighbor?" Participants consider their responsibility as Unitarian Universalists to work with and for those who are different from them. The youth use a variety of tools to map the assets of their community for interfaith work, identifying nonprofit associations, religious groups, and other neighbors as potential partners.
The more preparation you do for Activity 3, Community Asset Mapping, the more that activity will help the group plan an interfaith service project.
For the Opening and the Faith in Action activity, you may wish to order copies of the Unitarian Universalist Association pamphlet "The Flaming Chalice" from inSpirit: The UU Book and Gift Shop; this workshop provides its text as Handout 1.
Alternate Activity 1 includes the optional use of oranges. Before providing any food, find out about participants' allergies and dietary restrictions.
This workshop will:
- Provide a theological grounding for why Unitarian Universalists do interfaith work, and demonstrate that grounding with shared stories
- Guide participants to assess their community's assets for diverse, interfaith cooperation in service work.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Understand the Golden Rule as an example of a Unitarian Universalist value inherited from our Judeo-Christian tradition
- Learn the story of the Unitarian Universalist flaming chalice symbol and hear about the interfaith service work of Unitarians Martha and Waitstill Sharp during World War II
- Map their community's assets for diverse, interfaith cooperation in service work
- Move the group's interfaith service project forward by identifying potential partners and projects in their community
- Recognize and reflect on the importance of human similarities and differences.