Part of Circle of Trees
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
- Taking It Home
- Basket for name tags
Preparation for Activity
- Download the Taking It Home section of this workshop to reflect the activities this group has done. Copy it as a handout for all participants. (You may wish to email participants as well or instead.)
- If needed, write the closing words on newsprint, and post them where they will be visible to all participants. (Note: These words are from Reading 708 in Singing the Living Tradition and are adapted from Hebrew scripture, Isaiah 55.)
Description of Activity
Gather the group in a circle around the chalice. If needed, relight the chalice.
Distribute Taking It Home.
Invite participants to reflect, for a minute or so, on the Circle of Trees program. Then, engage participants in discussing the program with questions such as these:
- Did anything shift or change for you during the Circle of Trees program?
- What do you remember the most?
- Do you see trees any differently?
- Do you think you will treat trees the same way you did before participating in the program?
Invite participants to join hands and say the closing words together:
Let us go out in joy, and be led back in peace;
the mountains and the hills before us shall burst into song,
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Extinguish the chalice together. Tell participants that they are welcome to take their leaf name tags home.