Faith CoLab: Tapestry of Faith: Circle of Trees: A Multigenerational Program about Nourishing Deep Connections with Nature

Activity 4: What Can One Person Do

Part of Circle of Trees

Activity time: 25 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Unlined paper and markers, pens, or pencils
  • Optional: Computer with Internet access
  • Optional: Handout 1, Climate Change Action Plan

Preparation for Activity

  • Post blank newsprint.
  • Set paper and markers on work tables.
  • On another work table, set out pens or pencils, paper, and (optional) a computer with Internet access.

Description of Activity

Help participants form three or four small groups, each including a mix of ages.

Introduce a brainstorming activity in these words or your own:

Think about everything we've learned about trees, the healing they can bring to our planet, and what we just viewed in the visual essay. Each group will do a short brainstorm of things that "one person can do" to protect trees and address climate change in three or four different areas: at home, in our congregation, at work or school, and in our town or city. After about five to seven minutes, we'll reconvene and share our ideas.

Assign a work area to each group. Give each group a marker and a sheet of newsprint and ask them to record the ideas they brainstorm on the newsprint. If you wish, distribute Handout 1. Have groups conduct their brainstorms.

Give the groups a one-minute warning.

Invite each group to share the ideas they came up with. Post each group's newsprint where everyone can see it.

Say, in these words or your own:

With the time we have left, we will start working on some advocacy plans to share our ideas. For example, you can work with partners to create a visual essay, or to start a letter-writing campaign. How about starting a petition to encourage others to join in our efforts to protect trees and address climate change?

Indicate the tables and materials available and guide participants to choose a project and people to work with; as always, encourage multigenerational groups to work together.

Once participants have completed visual essays (which may need to continue outside of the workshop time allotted), they may wish to display and share them. Ask for volunteers to work on a plan; for example, the essays could be posted somewhere in the congregation, shared in the newsletter, or turned into a PowerPoint slideshow to project at a congregational event or to share on the website.

Including All Participants

Encourage each group to make room for contributions from people of all ages and ability levels.