Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Circle of Trees: A Multigenerational Program about Nourishing Deep Connections with Nature

Alternate Activity 1: Song - The Simple Praise of Trees

Part of Circle of Trees

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Optional: Computer with Internet access

Preparation for Activity

  • Listen to the recording on the Songs for the Great Turning website, and plan to play it for the group.
  • Learn the song so that you can teach it to the group, or invite a guest song leader to teach the song.
  • Write the lyrics on newsprint and post where all participants can see.

Description of Activity

Participants learn the song "The Simple Praise of Trees" by Gretchen Sleicher and David Densmore.

Say, in these words or your own:

Singing together is another way we feel a connection with each other. This song, "The Simple Praise of Trees," is a way to express our gratitude to trees.

If you have a computer with Internet access, play the recording on the Songs for the Great Turning website.

Teach the melody by singing one phrase at a time and having participants sing the phrase back to you, then put the phrases together. If there are enough voices, add in the additional harmony parts. The lyrics are as follows:

Part 1-Alto Melody

I raise my arms in the forest and join the simple praise of trees

Part 2-Tenor harmony

I raise my arms and join the praise of trees

Part 3-Soprano harmony

In the forest, the forest, I raise my arms in praise of trees

Part 4-Bass harmony

I raise my arms and join the praise of trees