Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Miracles: A Multigenerational Program on Living in Awe and Wonder

Activity 1: Sharing Miracle Moments

Part of Miracles

Activity time: 5 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Sheets of newsprint with definition(s) of a miracle generated by the group

Preparation for Activity

  • Post the definition(s) of a miracle the group generated in Session 1 along with any revisions made in subsequent sessions.
  • Prepare to share, in a phrase or sentence, a “miracle moment” of your own.

Description of Activity

Invite everyone, whether or not this is their first Miracles session, to share a “miracle moment”—a time when they paid attention to something unexpected, awesome, and perhaps unexplained. If needed, share a recent miracle moment of your own. You may wish to remind the group:

  • Everyone’s ideas and experiences of miracles may be different.
  • Participants may “pass.” Sharing a miracle is not required.

Thank each volunteer for their contribution. Be careful to respond to each contribution with the same level of enthusiasm.

Ask, “In light of the miracle moments you have described, does the definition still capture the group’s understanding of miracles?” Invite participants to rework the definition. Record their ideas on the newsprint and save it for the next session.