Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Miracles: A Multigenerational Program on Living in Awe and Wonder

Miracles, Wide Age Span

© 2015

This eight-session program invites a prolonged encounter with awe and wonder. Stories from our Unitarian Universalist Sources and hands-on activities engage a wide age span of participants to discern miracles, experience and express awe and wonder, and discover their own agency for miracle-making. Participants make a uniquely Unitarian Universalist inquiry—a religious search which simultaneously embraces the awesome truth of a miracle’s mystery and the “how and why” of rational explanation. Participants explore different kinds of miracles, from the awesome, ordered beauty of Earth and all life on it, to their own capacity to transform themselves and others to bring forth love and justice.

About the Authors

Adrianne Ross

Adrianne Ross served the Unitarian Universalist Association as Project Manager during the development and launch of the Tapestry of Faith curriculum project. She continues to learn many life lessons as a race car driver and as a member of several charitable boards, while pursuing her hobby of...

Chris Jablonski

The Reverend Chris Jablonski serves South Church, the Unitarian Universalist (UU) Church in Portsmouth, NH, as one of its two settled ministers. His first ministry was as the Minister of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley....

Miriam Smith

Miriam Smith, Ed.D., is an independent consultant who specializes in helping early childhood programs think critically about young children's language, literacy, and creative development....

Susan Lawrence

Susan Dana Lawrence is managing editor for the Lifespan Faith Engagement office of the UUA. She is a writer and educator who has worked in broadcast television, corporate communications, and print journalism. She belongs to Reform Jewish and Unitarian Universalist faith communities.

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