Part of Miracles, Wide Age Span
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Taking It Home
- Optional: Session 1, Handout 1, Say “Yes” to a Miracle
- Optional: Session 1, Handout 2, For the Beauty of the Earth
- Optional: Newsprint, markers, and tape
Preparation for Activity
- Review the two song suggestions (Handouts 1 and 2). Find lyrics for “Say ‘Yes’ to a Miracle” on Handout 1 and listen to the song online. “For the Beauty of the Earth” is Hymn 21 in Singing the Living Tradition, the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook, and the lyrics are provided on Handout 2.
- Choose one of these, another song, or a unison reading. If you like, invite a musical volunteer to help lead a song.
- Copy handouts to help participants learn the song you have chosen. You may also write song lyrics (or a unison reading) on newsprint, and post.
- Download the Taking It Home section and copy for all participants.
Description of Activity
Gather participants in a circle. Distribute song handouts or indicate lyrics you have posted.
Lead the group in singing “Say ‘Yes’ to a Miracle” or “For the Beauty of the Earth,” or lead another song or reading.
Compose together a spontaneous benediction by having each participant complete the phrase “I will look with absolute attention when I _____.”
Distribute the Taking It Home handout. Explain that the handout has ideas for continuing to engage with today’s topic at home with family and friends.
Ask participants to use close attention and see what miracles are revealed to them before the next Miracles meeting. Remind them you will dedicate time each session for the sharing of miracles.
Collect handouts for re-use, and say goodbye.
Including All Participants
You may wish to teach “Say ‘Yes’ to a Miracle” one phrase at a time before leading the song.