Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Gather the Spirit: A Multigenerational Program about Stewardship

Alternate Activity 3: The Wonder of Water, through Science

Materials for Activity

  • Books on the science of water

Preparation for Activity

  • Peruse books and online resources to ground or refresh your knowledge of water science and gather visual aids to share with the group. Some sources:
    • Science With Water by Helen Edom (Usborne Books, revised 2007), for ages 4-8
    • The Everything Kids' Science Experiments Book: Boil Ice, Float Water, Measure Gravity-Challenge the World Around You! by Tom Robinson (Adams Media Corporation, 2001) for ages 8-12
    • Water science for kids pages on the website of the United States Environmental Protection Agency
    • United States Geological Survey's Water Science for Schools website
  • Optional: Invite a guest speaker with water science expertise.

Description of Activity

Share your knowledge of water science in a way that supports the curriculum and activates the interest of scientifically inclined participants. If science is not your strength, find books and other resources to share with participants that explore the science of water.

For a more substantive experience, invite a science teacher, a marine biologist, an environmental engineer or other knowledgeable person to talk with the group. A visitor might bring one or more microscopes so participants can examine the complexity within a drop of water. Or, a visitor might speak about water ecology and stewardship in your area.

To give a knowledgeable visitor plenty of time with the group, consider scheduling a separate event to explore water indoors and out. You might hold the meeting at an outdoor location near fresh water and/or combine it with a casual meal with a fresh water theme (such as watermelon).