Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: World of Wonder: A Program on the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism for Grades K-1

Alternate Activity 3: Creative "Ish" Exploration

Activity time: 25 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Recycled objects and art supplies, such as tape, paper towel tubes, wallpaper or fabric scraps, shells, construction paper, magazines, markers, scissors, glue, and craft sticks
  • Optional, but recommended: A copy of the book, Ish, by Peter Reynolds. This simple picture book describes a boy's struggle to create "perfect" pictures; he recovers his joy in drawing when his sister points out that his vase looks "vase-ish"

Preparation for Activity

  • Consider this activity as an alternative to Activity 3, Creative Nests, which shares the same goals but requires more space.
  • Set materials at work tables.

Description of Activity

Children experience their own creativity by making art projects from the provided supplies. The activity emphasizes the creative process over the finished result. As they note the differences in the artwork made by peers, children see how creativity can be expressed in many ways.

Gather the children at the work table(s). If you have chosen to do so, read the book, Ish, by Peter Reynolds. Show participants the supplies you have gathered. Invite them to use their creativity and imagination to create anything they want, using the provided materials. Explain that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to do their work.

Allow the children to create art projects undisturbed for about 20 minutes. Then, gather in a group and have each child in, turn, share their artwork, if they wish. With each piece of art, invite everyone in the group to notice things that are interesting, unique, or especially creative about it. Instruct participants to only share positive comments.

When you are done, gather in a circle. Process the activity with questions such as:

  • I wonder how you decided what to create.
  • I wonder how you felt when you were creating your art.
  • I wonder what you noticed about all of the different art projects.
  • I wonder how creativity helps people.
  • I wonder how creativity is important in the web of life.
  • I wonder if there is anything about creativity that seems sacred or gives you a feeling of awe.