Session 6: Lifecycles Part of World of Wonder, Grades K-1 In This Section Introduction From World of Wonder Awaken to the universe's simple gift of the butterfly. Watch with fascination and joy as a jeweled treasure glides by and gently touches your soul. — Kristen D'Angelo, freelance writer, blogger, and photographer This session introduces the mystery and wonder of life cycles through the concept of... Session-at-a-Glance From World of Wonder Activity Minutes Opening 5 Activity 1: Earth Ball Name Game 5 Activity 2: Story — A Caterpillar Grows Up 10 Activity 3: Frog Metamorphosis 20 Activity 4: Egg Carton Caterpillars 15 Faith in Action: Citizen Scientists 60 Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1: Welcoming Web Game 10 Alternate Activity 2:... Spiritual Preparation From World of Wonder Find a place where you can be quiet with your thoughts. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for several minutes, perhaps repeating a word or phrase to separate yourself from the activities of the day. When you feel settled and relaxed, consider: Read the story, "A Caterpillar Grows Up." Do you... Opening From World of Wonder Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Chalice and LED/battery-operated candle Cloth for altar or centering space Group Covenant (Session 1) Chalice-Lighting Words (Session 1) Leadership Chart (Session 2) Preparation for Activity Select an area where the group can comfortably sit in a... Activity 1: Earth Ball Name Game From World of Wonder Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Inflatable earth ball or globe, available from…; Preparation for Activity Inflate the earth ball or globe. Description of Activity This activity engages active learners while... Activity 2: Story - A Caterpillar Grows Up From World of Wonder Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Story, "A Caterpillar Grows Up" A large basket Objects to place in the basket that are related to the story such as a caterpillar, cabbage leaf, butterfly, or flower, or pictures of these items A chime or rain stick Optional: Fidget Basket (Session... Activity 3: Frog Metamorphosis From World of Wonder Activity time: 20 minutes Preparation for Activity Designate a large space, preferably outdoors. Communicate to families that children should come dressed for outdoor fun (in clothes that can get dirty). Practice the body motions so you can demonstrate them for the children.... Activity 4: Egg Carton Caterpillars From World of Wonder Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Empty, cardboard dozen egg cartons, pipe cleaners and a pencil, and markers or crayons Optional: Googly eyes and glue Optional: Coffee filters, and watercolor paints and brushes Preparation for Activity Cut the egg cartons in half, the long way.... Closing From World of Wonder Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity World of Wonder Mural from Session 1 Leader Resource 1, Mural Image - Butterfly, and tape Closing song lyrics from Session 1 Taking It Home Preparation for Activity Print Leader Resource 1, Mural Image - Butterfly, preferably in color. Download and... Leader Reflection and Planning From World of Wonder Take a few minutes to evaluate the session with your co-leader immediately after the session, while it is fresh. Share your thoughts with other team leaders and the religious educator. You might find it helpful to consider these questions: Were all children actively engaged?... Faith In Action: Citizen Scientists From World of Wonder Activity time: 60 minutes Materials for Activity Citizen Scientists: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery from Your Own Backyard by Unitarian Universalist Loree Griffin Burns Closing song lyrics from Session 1 Preparation for Activity Purchase the book, or borrow it from a library.... Alternate Activity 1: Welcoming Web Game From World of Wonder Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Ball of yarn Preparation for Activity Clear an open space where the group can sit in a circle. Make sure you know each participant's name so you can prompt others in the circle. Description of Activity This activity makes the concepts of... Alternate Activity 2: Life Cycle Nature Walk From World of Wonder Activity time: 30 minutes Materials for Activity Optional: Flashlights, magnifying glasses, or handheld dental mirrors Preparation for Activity Inform families of your plan to bring the children outdoors. Arrange all necessary details, such as transportation, permission slips, sunscreen, insect... Alternate Activity 3: Metamorphosis Video From World of Wonder Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity A computer with Internet access, and a large monitor or a digital projector Preparation for Activity Set up the equipment and test the Internet connection. Preview the YouTube video(s) Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle (2:11) and Frog Life Cycle (2:22),... Taking It Home: Lifecycles From World of Wonder Awaken to the universe's simple gift of the butterfly. Watch with fascination and joy as a jeweled treasure glides by and gently touches your soul. — Kristen D'Angelo, freelance writer, blogger, and photographer IN TODAY'S SESSION... we learned about metamorphosis in both butterflies and frogs.... A Caterpillar Grows Up From World of Wonder Adapted from The Family Finds Out by Edith Hunter (Boston: Beacon Press, 1966).Ellen was sitting up on a branch of the apple tree, swinging her legs. Her mother was looking over the vegetable garden. "Want to see a nice fat green worm?" her mother called. Ellen jumped down from the tree and ran... Leader Resource 1: Mural Image - Butterfly From World of Wonder Printing This Handout Download a high-resolution copy of this Handout (PDF) for printing. Find Out More From World of Wonder Visit the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth or the UUA's Green Sanctuary program to learn how UUs are involved in taking care of the earth. PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: World of Wonder NEXT: Introduction Download all of World of Wonder (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.