Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Wonderful Welcome: A Program for Children Grades K-1

Alternate Activity 1: Greeting Cards

Activity time: 20 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Blank card stock paper and envelopes
  • Scissors
  • Markers, colored pencils, stamps, stamp inkpads, and stencils
  • Ribbon to bundle cards together

Preparation for Activity

  • Decide whether you will pre-select the recipient of the children's earnings from the sale of the cards, or whether you will guide the children to choose an aspect of congregational life they want to fund. You might like to invite one of your intended donation recipients, for example, a member of the Building and Grounds committee, to join this activity and talk with the children.
  • If needed, cut or fold card stock to fit in the envelopes.
  • Set out the art materials to decorate the cards.
  • Optional: To customize the cards for the season, obtain stencils or stickers representing a particular holiday or congregational event.
  • Make an example of a finished greeting card to show the children by creating a design on the outside of the card, folding it and placing it in the envelope.

Description of Activity

Tell the children they will make cards to sell. The proceeds will be donated to the congregation. If you have chosen a committee or project to receive the donation, tell the group about it now. If the children will decide on the recipient, facilitate that process now.

Invite the children to create designs on the outside of the card only. Explain that people who buy the cards will need the inside to write on.

If you have invited a congregational committee member to visit the group, engage them in making cards with the children as they talk about how their committee spends its funds. The committee might also help the group sell the greeting cards.

Decide as a group how much to charge for the cards. It will be important to steer the conversation so the amount is fair, not unreasonably high or low.