Faith In Action: Ideas
Part of Toolbox of Faith, Grades 4-5
Description of Activity
To experience personal expression as a quality of Unitarian Universalist faith, create a Faith in Action project where the children share their own expression with others or appreciate expression made by others.
Make and Donate Art Cards
Engage the children in making illustrations that reflect an inner thought or mood. Replicate their pictures as cards by color photocopying onto card stock. Donate cards to the congregation's social justice committee, another committee, or your minister, for use when someone is in need.
Experience Expression Together
Tour an art exhibit or attend a performance in your local area that portrays, in some way, the expression of an inner life. Arrange for the group to attend together. You will need to review your plan with your director of religious education and make sure you have enough adult volunteers to come with the group.
Meet afterward to share what the children saw, heard, and experienced.
This project gives a good opportunity to point out that someone's personal expression through art, music, dance, or another medium may be understood quite differently by any other person - and that that is OK.
Artistic Expressions of Faith
Visit another worship center particularly to see or hear its expressive artwork or music. Set up a time to visit stained glass windows in a Catholic church, an ornate shrine in a Buddhist temple, a special organ in a Protestant church, a statue in a Hindu temple, or a menorah that decorates the lobby of a Jewish synagogue.
Or, bring to the group a variety of artistic representations from different faiths, such as books of religious art, CDs of religious music, and artifacts. Invite the children and their families to also bring in examples. Reflect together on the variety of expressions. Look for similarities and differences. Write an article for your congregation's newsletter about your experience.