Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Moral Tales: A Program on Making Choices for Grades 2-3

Leader Resource 2: Toy and Book Drive Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,

The children in Moral Tales will be collecting new and gently used toys and books for (name of agency or organization), from (start date) until (end date).

This Faith in Action project will begin with a visit from (agency or organization) on (day, date). They will talk about the organization's mission and the population it serves with the children in their Moral Tales session and will speak with congregants at coffee hour following worship.

Please support your child's participation in this Faith in Action project by learning about the work of (agency or organization) and helping your child collect toys and books. Encourage your child to go through their own toys and books and choose a few gently used things to give away to a child who has fewer things. If you wish, go to a toy or book store with your child and buy items to donate.

If you want to do more, we will be glad for you to take a role in publicizing the toy and book drive, gathering the items we collect, and/or volunteering for supervision or transportation when the children deliver the items they have collected to (agency or organization) on (day, date).

In faith,
