Part of Moral Tales, Grades 2-3
Activity time: 2 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
- Moral Compass poster
- A bold marker, or a piece of card stock and tape or a stapler
- Optional: One copy of the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Singing the Living Tradition
- Optional: Music CD or tape, and music player
- Optional: A guitar, piano or other instrument
Preparation for Activity
- Look at Hymn 414 in Singing the Living Tradition, "As We Leave This Friendly Place," and make sure you can lead the group in singing it. If it is unfamiliar, you might ask your music director to teach it to you before this session.
- If you prefer, choose an alternate song for your closing ritual. To close this session, you may wish to give the children another opportunity to sing "We're Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table," Hymn 407 in Singing the Living Tradition.
- Find additional suggestions in Session 1, Leader Resource, Alternate Closings. However, it is recommended that you use the same Closing song in every session.
- If you are uncomfortable leading a song, invite a musical volunteer to do it for you.
- Write the words of the closing song on newsprint and place it where the children will be able to see it during the Closing.
- Place the Moral Compass poster where all of the children can see it.
- Write the word "Responsibility" on a piece of card stock to attach to the Moral Compass poster. Or, if you prefer, plan to write the word "Responsibility" directly on the poster.
- Customize, print out, and photocopy the Taking It Home section for all participants.
Description of Activity
This activity helps the children get used to practicing a closing ritual as a way of affirming their part in the faith community.
Gather the group in a circle. Thank the children for participating and sharing their stories and ideas in this session. Tell them something you liked about the way they worked together as a community.
Point out the Moral Compass poster. Say, in your own words:
Our Moral Compass shows us ways to do good things and make good decisions about how to be fair. Today we heard a story about a time when some people didn't help when they saw a problem. The problem got very big and hurt a lot of people. Unitarian Universalists believe that we are all part of an interdependent web of all existence, and that what each of us does or doesn't do, makes a difference.
Tell them that another way to say this is that we all have a "responsibility" to help make this world the best place it can be - so we will add "Responsibility" as a direction on our Moral Compass.
Write or post "Responsibility" on the Moral Compass poster.
Remind the children that the next time they meet they will have a chance to add more gems to the Gems of Goodness jar. If appropriate, remind them that when the jar is full of gemstones, you will have a special celebration. You may wish to encourage them to pay special attention to times when they are being welcoming, without prejudgment, as well as times when they have a chance to practice any of the other virtues on the Moral Compass poster.
Lead the children in singing Hymn 414 in Singing the Living Tradition, "As We Leave This Friendly Place." If the hymn is unfamiliar to some of the children, teach it line by line and then sing it once through together.
The song's lyrics are:
As we leave this friendly place,
Love give light to every face;
May the kindness which we learn
Light our hearts till we return.
Or, lead the group in once again singing "We're Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table," Hymn 407 in Singing the Living Tradition.
Distribute the Taking It Home handout you have prepared. If new participants need to take home a Gems of Goodness notebook and parent handout, make sure they have these.
Thank the children. You may wish to particularly thank them for sharing the things that they are concerned about and for helping to come up with ways that we each can make a difference. Tell them you look forward to seeing them next time, and dismiss the group.