Faith In Action: Exercising the Power of Fire
Part of Sing to the Power, Grades 4-5
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Optional: Digital still cameras and/or video cameras
Preparation for Activity
- This activity is designed to implement the project planned in Sessions 9 and 10. If your fire power activity requires travel beyond your congregation, recruit volunteers to provide transportation. Get signed permission slips from all participants' families for any off-site activity.
- Optional: Recruit volunteers to photograph and/or videotape the project; obtain appropriate permissions from people who appear in photos and video.
Description of Activity
By this session, the group should have identified a project and planned the elements needed in order to complete this project. This session, then, is when the group will actually do the activity that expresses their own air power.
Including All Participants
Make sure your transportation plan is accessible for all participants, and that all will have full access at any off-site location.