Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Signs of Our Faith: A Program about Being UU Every Day for Grades 2-3

Activity 4: Saying Grace

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Newsprint, markers, and tape
  • Snack food, plates, and napkins

Preparation for Activity

  • Write on newsprint, and post:

We are here that we might have life

and have it more abundantly,

so that we might share it with others.

Come, let us join together

as a generous people. - John. C. Morgan

  • Write a grace of your choice on newsprint, and post. Use one of these (from Rejoice Together (Skinner House), ed. Helen Pickett), or see the Unitarian Universalist hymnbook Singing the Living Tradition, the UUA WorshipWeb, Session 11 of the Tapestry of Faith curriculum Creating Home, or your own sources for more options:

We lift our hearts in thanks today for all the gifts of life. - Percival Chubb, Unitarian minister

May we have grateful hearts, and may we be mindful of the needs of others. - Source unknown

May we hold hands quietly for a moment...

Feeling love flow around us and through us,

Knowing that as we give love away

There is always more within. - Source unknown

  • Optional: Before this session, invite families to write down for their child a grace that is used before meals at home. Plan to invite children to share a grace they have brought, as directed in this activity.

Description of Activity

Participants learn a UU reading to use as a grace.

Read the quote with participants. John C. Morgan is a Unitarian Universalist minister. Ask children what they think the quotation means. Ask, "Are you a generous person? In what ways? Say that being a generous person and sharing are ways to be UU every day."

Ask: "Why would we say a grace or a blessing before meals?" Explain that grace is another ritual. It is a special time to acknowledge how blessed we are to have food to eat. Some people say grace to thank God, Goddess, or the Spirit of Life. Some people remember and thank all the people who grew, processed, and prepared the food on our table. Some people say grace to express gratitude for the earth and how it feeds us, and to renew a promise to take care of our planet.

If participants have special graces they say, invite them to share them with the group.

Point out the grace you have prepared on newsprint and invite participants to read it aloud. Help participants serve the snack and say grace before they begin to eat.