Taking It Home
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. — Leo F. Buscaglia
IN TODAY'S SESSION... we lifted up caring for members of our community as a sign of being UU. We showed that we care about one another by doing a Unitarian Universalist ritual of Sharing Joys and Concerns. In this ritual, we have a chance to speak about how we feel and know we will be heard, and loved, and to listen to one another. The ritual of Sharing Joys and Concerns symbolizes how we take care of each other, in good times and bad. There are many other ways we take care of people in our congregation and in the other communities to which we belong.
EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about... ways your family helps care for others in the congregation.
EXTEND THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Try... caring for your faith even when you are not at our congregation. Share ideas on how you could do this. Do you sing UU songs in the car? Do you say a grace to give thanks at meals? Do you light a chalice at home, or read stories by UU authors?
Family Adventure. One way to show caring for your UU community is to help care for the building where the congregation meets. Be family stewards of the building. Help host a family spruce up day. Think of jobs for people of all ages and abilities to do, so everyone has a chance to help take care of the building and grounds.
Family Discovery. Look for a new way to help take care of a family member. Maybe you can read a bedtime story to a younger sibling, or learn to make a parent's favorite beverage.
Family Ritual. Create a new caring ritual. Perhaps arriving home after religious education, your family lights a chalice and everyone shares at least one new thing they discovered about their faith today. This shows you care about learning about Unitarian Universalism. Or, try a new ritual to help people in your family pay attention to the caring that is already in your lives. Once a week, invite each family member to tell about a kind action they performed, a kind action they received, and a kind action they intend to perform in the coming week.