Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Love Surrounds Us: A Program on the UU Principles and Beloved Community for Grades K-1

Activity 1: Story, Many Paths to God

Activity time: 10 minutes

"Many Paths to God" Illustration by Nancy Meshkoff

Download acoloring sheet (PDF) for the story, "Many Paths to God."

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Read the story so you are comfortable presenting it as a play. Practice, with a co-leader if possible, using different voices to indicate the Narrator and each of the four characters.
  • Optional: Bring four different hand puppets. These can be simple, sock puppets or animal or human characters. Ask a co-leader or another adult volunteer to help operate puppets and give them a copy of the story in advance. Or, you may invite volunteers from the group to operate the puppets.
  • Optional: Download, print, and copy the coloring sheet (PDF). Place coloring sheets and crayons where children can use them when invited but will not be distracted beforehand.

Description of Activity

This story demonstrates that people of many different religious may talk about God, or "the holy."

Gather participants so they can see and hear the leader telling the story. Read or tell the story. If you are using a different puppet for each character, give each character a different voice. Move puppets slightly as they speak to focus children's attention.

At the end of the story, lead a discussion with these questions:

  • Who had the right path to the top of the mountain?
  • Did the characters all have the same religion?
  • Why didn't they all decide to go up the mountain the same way?
  • Did the characters all have a different idea of what God was?
  • What were the different Gods like?