Session 6: Acceptance Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1 In This Section Introduction From Love Surrounds Us I accept the universe! — Margaret Fuller The session focuses on the third Principle, "Everyone is accepted with love and compassion in our congregation." One of the unique characteristics of Unitarian Universalism is the diversity of beliefs within our congregations. We strive to make everyone... Session-at-a-Glance From Love Surrounds Us Activity Minutes Welcoming and Entering 0 Opening 10 Activity 1: Story — Odd Velvet 15 Activity 2: Celebrating Differences 10 Activity 3: Song — I'm Unique and Unrepeatable 10 Activity 4: Loving Kindness Walking Meditation 10 Faith in Action: Hygiene Project Closing 5 Alternate Activity 1:... Spiritual Preparation From Love Surrounds Us We are all unique. As adults, it is often an advantage to stand out because of our differences in abilities or skills. As a leader, you will demonstrate to participants that we should all be proud of ourselves and be accepting of others. Relax into a comfortable position and close your eyes.... Welcoming and Entering From Love Surrounds Us Materials for Activity Ribbon sticks (or wrist ribbons) in a container (Session 1, Opening) Drawing paper and crayons Preparation for Activity If you have not previously made ribbons sticks or wrist ribbons for each child do it now as per instructions in Session 1, Opening.... Opening for Session 6, Acceptance From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Materials for Activity Ribbon sticks (or wrist ribbons) in a container (Session 1, Opening) Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED/battery-operated candle Session 1, Leader Resource 1, Rote Teaching - Love Surrounds Us Song Yellow cloth for centering table Preparation for... Activity 1: Story, Odd Velvet From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A copy of the story "Odd Velvet" Optional: The picture book Odd Velvet Optional: "Odd Velvet" coloring sheet, and crayons Preparation for Activity Read the story. Optional: Obtain the picture book Odd Velvet by Mary E. Whitcomb, illustrated by Tara... Activity 2: Celebrating Differences From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Description of Activity This activity helps participants celebrate their uniqueness. Gather everyone in a seated circle, on chairs or the floor. Tell the group you will play a memory game. Ask participants to close their eyes and think about what makes them special or... Activity 3: Song, I'm Unique and Unrepeatable From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Practice singing the song so you can teach it to the children; it uses the tune "Ten Little Children" Description of Activity This song reminds us we are all unique. Ask participants to stand and tell them you are going to teach them a song about... Activity 4: Loving Kindness Walking Meditation From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 10 minutes Preparation for Activity Choose a path for participants to walk, either indoors or out. If walking any distance poses a problem, have participants walk in a circle in the meeting room. If needed, meditation can be done as a sitting meditation instead. Description of... Closing From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 5 minutes Description of Activity Invite everyone to gather in a circle and hold hands.... Leader Reflection and Planning From Love Surrounds Us Think about the participants who participated in the session today. What did they learn? Did they understand what it means to be accepting? Were participants able to effectively participate in the meditation? Would you conduct the meditation differently if you did it again? Reflect on your... Faith In Action: Hygiene Project From Love Surrounds Us Materials for Activity Poster paper Crayons or markers Tape or sticky tack A large cardboard box or other container Donated, unused hygiene items such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, and deodorant Preparation for Activity Depending on your congregation polity, you may need to clear this... Alternate Activity 1: Congregation Tour From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity A notebook and a pen or pencil Description of Activity This activity encourages participants to think about how it may feel to be new to the congregation and to brainstorm how to make a new person feel accepted there.... Alternate Activity 2: Welcome to Our Congregation From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 15 minutes Materials for Activity Newsprint or large sheets of construction paper Crayons or markers in assorted colors Tape or sticky tack Preparation for Activity Arrange materials at work tables so participants can choose a piece of paper and reach a variety of crayons or markers. Alternate Activity 3: Heart Ribbon Magnet From Love Surrounds Us Activity time: 5 minutes Materials for Activity Felt hearts mounted on felt squares and magnets, assembled in Session 2, Alternate Activity 1 A roll of 1/8-inch yellow ribbon Extra felt and magnets for new participants, plus glue, sharp scissors, and permanent marker Preparation for Activity Set ... Odd Velvet From Love Surrounds Us Odd Velvet by Mary E. Whitcomb, illustrated by Tara Calahan King (San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1998). Permission pending. On the first day of school, Velvet's classmates brought their teacher cinnamon tea, lace handkerchiefs, and heart shaped boxes of potpourri.... Taking It Home: Acceptance From Love Surrounds Us I accept the universe! — Margaret Fuller IN TODAY'S SESSION... the group learned the third Principle concept of acceptance of everyone in our congregations. They heard a story, "Odd Velvet," about a girl who is a bit different than everyone else but eventually is accepted and loved. We talked... Find Out More From Love Surrounds Us Meditation Venerable Thubten Chodron's website offers a variety of resources for meditation including guided meditations on kindness, gratitude, and love which conclude: ...let's dedicate all the positive energy and potential that we've accumulated through our meditation, and let's imagine sendin... PREVIOUS: Find Out More UP: Love Surrounds Us NEXT: Introduction Download all of Love Surrounds Us (Word) (PDF) to edit or print.