Taking It Home
Part of Love Surrounds Us, Grades K-1
It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it. — Eleanor Roosevelt, 20th-century First Lady of the United States, in a 1951 radio broadcast
IN TODAY'S SESSION... the group heard a Buddhist story, "Supriya's Bowl," about a young girl who helped provide one of the basic needs, food, in her community. Making clay bowls helped the children talk about receiving, giving, and how bowls do both. The group discussed the four basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and love. We used maps to think of ways we could connect the four basic needs with the global world while living the sixth Principle, "We believe in working for a peaceful, fair, and free world."
EXPLORE THE TOPIC TOGETHER. Talk about... the basic needs of human beings. Discuss ways that you are provided with food, clothing, shelter, and love. Discuss how you help ensure those needs are met for others.
A Family Adventure. Visit a museum or display that shows people who live in different parts of the world. Discover the different ways people are clothed, fed, sheltered and loved—ways that are different, yet all help people meet the same needs we all share.
Family Discovery. Explore websites that deal with the four basic needs of humans. Food: the website of Feeding America (formerly known as Second Harvest Food Bank), the Free Rice site sponsored by the United Nations, and a site promoting international meals for children. Shelter: the Habitat for Humanity youth programs with games and volunteering ideas for children ages five through eight. Clothing: Visit the website of Goodwill, Inc.
Love is a difficult basic need to try to meet long distance. Help children understand that when we help to take care of people's needs for food, shelter, and clothing, we also show love.
A Family Ritual. Write a word describing each basic need: food, clothing, shelter, and love. First thing in the morning or last at night, place one card in a central location (for example, the table where everyone eats, or a bathroom sink everyone uses). Use that card to focus your attention all day. At night, pray together for that basic need to be met worldwide, with words such as these:
Spirit of Life, keep all the people in the world free of the pain of hunger.