Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Amazing Grace: A Program about Exploring Right and Wrong for Grade 6

Alternate Activity 1: Readings from the Hymnbook

Activity time: 10 minutes

Materials for Activity

Preparation for Activity

  • Find and mark the suggested readings.

Description of Activity

Introduce your group to hymnal readings that reflect the themes of this session.

Encourage youth to explore the hymnbook for readings about love. Possible examples include: Readings 418 (love), 434 (love and service), 457 (individual impact), 471 (service), 473 (service), 560 (individual impact), 561 (individual impact), 562 (love), 601 (love and individual impact), and 638 (love).

Read or have volunteers read passages that seem most appropriate to you, and then ask for comments. Do participants see a relationship between the readings and our UU Principles? Refer back to previous discussions about Universalism and universal salvation. Remind youth (if necessary) that the Universalist belief in universal salvation is built on a strong belief in the power of love, particularly God's love. Ask youth if UUs still believe in the strong power of love. Do you have to believe in a god to believe in the power of love?

Singing the Living Tradition Hymnal Pew Edition

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