Activity 4: Story
Part of Chalice Children, in Preschool
Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Story book
Preparation for Activity
- Choose a story from the following suggestions:
- Draw Me a Star by Eric Carle, 1992. An artist's drawing of a star begins the creation of an entire universe; the book includes a star drawing activity.
- How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers, 2004. Once there was a boy who loved stars very much-so much so that he decided to catch one of his very own. But how?
- Stargazing Sky by Deborah Kogan Ray, 1991. A little girl and her mother stay up late to watch a shower of shooting stars. This story can lead into a hands-on activity, Alternate Activity 2, Shooting Stars.
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star by Jerry Pinkney, 2011. A curious little chipmunk leaves his nest to greet the twilight and gazes at the glittering sky above him.
- Review How to Read a Storybook, under Resources in the Introduction.
Description of Activity
Hold up the book and say, in these words or your own:
Here's how I am going to read the story. Does anyone need to move so they can see and hear?
This will help the children move if they need to and then get settled before the story is started, so they don't interrupt the reading. It also serves as a reminder that if they stand or sit right in front of the pages, no one else can see. Invite them to find a place to settle so that everyone can see. When all are ready, read the story. When you finish reading, ask if anyone has thoughts about the story that they would like to share.
Including All Participants
Seat a child with hearing or sight difficulties near the reader.