Faith Curriculum Library: Tapestry of Faith: Chalice Children: A Program about Our Unitarian Universalist Community for Preschoolers

Activity 2: Circle Rhymes Transition

Activity time: 5 minutes

Materials for Activity

  • Circle Rhymes posters

Preparation for Activity

  • Display the Circle Rhymes posters from Session 1.

Description of Activity

Using the same songs and chants each week will help the children transition smoothly and predictably from free play to Circle Time.

Begin singing the first song, “Clean-Up Time,” to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” and gently encourage the children put away the items they have been using, helping them as needed.

Clean, clean, clean up play,

Gently as we go.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

The room is getting clean.

Repeat until clean-up is finished.

When the room is ready and children are standing, begin the next chant “Clap, Clap.” Help the children focus on the leader while doing the movements:

Clap, clap,

Stamp, stamp,

Turn around and jump!

Repeat once or twice until all the children are focused and have joined in.

Invite the children into a seated circle by singing “Circle Time” to the tune of “London Bridge”:

Circle Time is here again,

Circle Time, here again,

Circle Time is here again,

Now it’s time for Circle Time.

When the children are seated and focused, lead the “I Wiggle” chant and perform the movements with the children:

I wiggle my fingers. [wiggle fingers]

I wiggle my toes. [wiggle feet]

I wiggle my shoulders. [wiggle shoulders]

I wiggle my nose. [wiggle nose]

Now no more wiggles are left in me, [leader sits down]

So I’ll be as still as still can be.