Activity 4: Innocence and Action
Activity time: 30 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Newsprint, markers, and tape
- Handout 1, Love and Power
- Handout 2, Of Madmen and Martyrs
- Optional: Computer and digital projector
Preparation for Activity
- Copy Handout 1, Love and Power and Handout 2, Of Madmen and Martrys.
- Write on newsprint, and post:
- Which author resonates with you most? Why?
- Which challenges you? Why?
- Some might say it is our idealism, our ability to hold on to our values and our hope, which allows us to put our UU Principles into action working toward a world of peace, liberty, and justice. How do the actions of our forbears hold up to the critiques presented in these two handouts?
- How do the actions of your congregation hold up in light of the critiques?
- Optional: Download the questions and prepare them as one or more digital slides. Test the computer and projector.
Description of Activity
Invite participants to examine how our Unitarian Universalist tradition of idealism is reflected in our contemporary faith.
Distribute Handout 1, Love and Power and Handout 2, Of Madmen and Martyrs and invite participants to read them silently.
Then, call attention to the posted questions and invite participants to move into groups of four to respond to the two contemporary writers, using the questions as a guide.
Give each group markers and a sheet of newsprint. Instruct the small groups to first offer each person an opportunity to speak without comment or discussion, sharing their individual responses to the handouts. Tell them that after each person has had an opportunity to speak, the group may consider the posted questions together and record their responses on the sheet of newsprint.
After 15 minutes, re-gather the large group. Invite each small group to post and share their comments.