Activity time: 5 minutes
Materials for Activity
- Chalice, candle, and lighter or LED battery-operated candle
- Taking It Home
- Optional: Faith in Action from this workshop and/or Spiritual Preparation from Workshop 14
Preparation for Activity
- Download and customize Taking It Home as a handout. You may wish to add the Faith in Action activity suggestion from this workshop and/or the Spiritual Preparation questions for the next workshop.
Description of Activity
Gather the group around the chalice. Distribute Taking It Home. Announce the date, time, and place of the next workshop and any other "housekeeping" information. Request or remind volunteers if you want participants to read material aloud or perform other roles at the next meeting.
Extinguish the chalice with these words of Clara Endicott Sears, founder of the Fruitlands Museum:
Humanity must ever reach out towards a New Eden. Succeeding generations smile at the crude attempts, and forthwith make their own blunders, but each attempt, however seemingly unsuccessful, must of necessity contain a germ of spiritual beauty which will bear fruit.