Every congregation has its own way of scheduling adult programming. Days and times vary to accommodate certain needs or preferences. Some congregations offer single workshops here and there, others prefer to present workshops as a series. Some congregations charge money and require pre-registration for adult courses. Many congregations will open their adult programs to all who wish to attend, regardless of whether they have attended previous workshops in the series.
The program design does not assume the same participants will come to each workshop. You can offer the workshops in a variety of combinations and sequences, according to the needs and wishes of your congregation. Please see the Program Structure section in this Introduction for details and suggestions. The 90-minute format is best suited to an afternoon, evening, or Saturday morning program.
Making the program accessible to a full range of a congregation's adults requires provisions for adults with children. It is strongly recommended that congregations offer workshops during time slots when religious education programming and/or on-site child care are available. Even with on-site child care, evening workshops may still be a challenge for parents of young children whose bedtime comes before the workshop's end.
Evening workshops can also be a challenge for participants who do not drive, who do not drive after dark, or who live a long way from the congregation. Arranging for carpools can help.