Handout 1: Ethical Statements
- There are moral sources and/or authorities that inform or guide my ethical behavior.
- I have firm moral convictions.
- Each person is entitled to their view of what is right and wrong.
- Truth exists and our understanding of it becomes clearer over time.
- We must always do the maximum good for the maximum number of people.
- Being the best person I can be helps keep me morally grounded.
- I believe that there are rights to which everyone is entitled by virtue of being human.
- My morality is informed by my experiences in the world.
- It is through meaningful relationship with one another that we can determine what is best and most true.
- Ethical beliefs are irrelevant if they are not accompanied by action.
- Moral decisions must be grounded in compassion.
- People cannot be ethical by themselves; ethical behavior is enacted in a community context.
- It takes courage to live out our Unitarian Universalist values.