Child Care Centers 1971 General Resolution

RECOGNIZING: That there is widespread need for child care centers, that millions of children in North America are receiving either substandard supervision or no supervision;

AWARE: That growing numbers of mothers take jobs because of economic necessity, desire for job training and continuing education; that child care centers are needed for other reasons, such as illness in the family, special problems of handicapped children, or for other compelling causes;

ACKNOWLEDGING: That the needs of children, our best resources for the future, must receive immediate and special attention;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: That the 1971 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association:

  1. Urges that highest priority be given in the United States and Canada at all levels of government to funding and activating quality, professional child care centers with effective standards, licensing, inspection, and enforcement;
  2. Urges that funding be accomplished additionally through private grants and fees from parents where feasible;
  3. Asks that member UU societies initiate study programs so that they can intelligently participate in the structuring of quality centers;
  4. Asks that societies of this denomination consider use of their facilities for weekday child care centers.