Mid-America Bylaws: Article III. Membership and Representation

Part of MidAmerica Bylaws

Section 1. Member Congregations. All congregations recognized as active membercongregations of the UUA according to the provisions of the UUA Bylaws, and assigned to the Region by the UUA Board of Trustees, shall be member congregations of the Region.

Section 2. Good Standing. A congregation is in good standing if it has made a financial contribution to the Region in the preceding fiscal year of the Region.

Section 3. Delegates of Member Congregations.

(a) Member Delegates. Each congregation in good standing is entitled to be represented at each MidAmerica Region Business Meeting by the same number of member delegates it is allocated at the UUA General Assembly, as specified in the UUA Bylaws and Rules.

(b) Professional Delegates.

(1) Regional Business Meeting Delegate status is also conferred on each individual:

(i) holding ministerial fellowship,

(ii) holding credentialed status from the UUA, or

(iii) employed as a director of religious education.

(2) Such professional delegates must:

(i) be in active professional service to a congregation in good standing,

(ii) hold formal status as emerita/us as conferred on or before the February 1st proceeding the Regional Assembly by a congregation in good standing, or

(iii) be in formal affiliation with a congregation in good standing.

(c) Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote on all matters coming before the membership of the Region. No person shall cast more than one vote. No delegate may vote by proxy.

Section 4. Church of the Larger Fellowship. The Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) shall be allocated one (1) delegate for every fifty (50) CLF members or fraction thereof residing in the MidAmerica Region as identified by CLF on or before the February 1st preceding the Regional Assembly. CLF members in attendance at any MidAmerica Region Business Meeting may select CLF delegates amongst those CLF members in attendance and be certified as delegates by a MA staff person and MA Board officer in attendance at the meeting location.

Section 5. Tie-breaking. The presiding Regional officer will only cast a vote to break a tie in a floor vote at business meetings.