The Name Game

Part of Deeper Joy

Take aways may include: Sharing about your family or history, learning more intimate details of others, taking a risk to share personally, understanding and appreciating what makes us unique.

Parameters: Two or more people. If there are more than 10 in your group, form small groups of 2 to 8 people. Can be done virtually or in person.

Materials: none unless doing the art variation in which case you'll need paper, writing and coloring utensils, magazines/collage material, glue and scissors.

Invite group members to tell a story about a part of their name. It might be the story of how they got a nickname, why they were given or chose their first name, where their middle name comes from, a story about the lineage of their last name or anything else they feel ready to share. Note: some people have a complicated relationship with part or all of their name so this activity has variable risk for different participants. Remind the group they can always pass or pass for now and to share only what they are ready to share in this brave space.

Variation: pair up and tell the story to one other person.

Variation: Have people write part of their name in block or bubble letters and fill in the letters with collage, color or doodles. While people are working give prompts like "What does your name mean to you? Where does it come from? What do you like/dislike about it?" People can share as they work and/or share in a round of show and tell after they're finished.