Inclusion Inquiry

Part of Deeper Joy

Take aways may include: witnessing their space with new understanding, inspiration towards more inclusion/accessibility.

Materials: portable hard surfaces to write on like clipboards, paper, writing utensils.

Parameters: 1 or more people can do this in person or online. They will need access to decision-makers to support the changes they want to implement.

Ask them to share some signs that help them feel like they belong (like knowing where to go, being able to get where you need to go without extra struggle, being recognized). Then, start at the place a newcomer would first encounter the community (the website or the parking lot, etc.). Slowly move from there to where the group meets. Take notes or pictures reflecting on questions like:

  1. Would someone who had difficulty reading easily know what to do next?
  2. How would someone with mobility or sensory issues need to navigate this?
  3. Would someone with a marginalized identity feel welcome?

Share their reflections with decision makers and support a plan of action for implementing changes.