Conflict Antidotes
Part of Right Relationship Teams
By Erica Baron, Tyler Coles, Sarah Gibb Millspaugh
In UU congregations, conflict avoidance, a sense of urgency, and either/or thinking can make it difficult to engage conflicts well. Tema Okun identifies these as characteristics of white supremacy culture. Using her antidotes, we will learn to engage conflicts of various kinds in ways that lead toward Beloved Community.
- Outline and Notes
- Books and Resources to Support Applying the Antidotes to White Supremacy Culture While In Conflict
- White Supremacy Culture – Still Here by Tema Okun, May 2021
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- Think of a conflict that you can remember from your own congregation. As you reflect on the characteristics of White Supremacy Culture that the workshop leaders named, try to identify some characteristics that showed up in your conflict. What do you notice about how those characteristics affected the conflict’s escalation? How did they affect its resolution?
- Reflecting on the same conflict: if you could go back in time, what antidotes would you apply? How might they have called forth a different way of responding or resolving this conflict?
- Of the Antidotes to White Supremacy Culture we discussed in the workshop, which speak to you the most? Why?
- Which Antidotes do you really need to take to heart? Which ones could be your touchstones the next time you find yourself in conflict in UU community?