Covenanting Communities Application

Part of Congregational Life Cycles

Covenanting Communities FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the UUA covenanting communities status.


Fill out this online form to apply to become a covenanting community of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Before you submit this application, you are strongly encouraged to contact your regional contact for the UUA. To find your regional contact, email

The application includes essay responses to the following questions:

  1. How do you claim Unitarian Universalist principles and identity? Be specific about the steps your group has taken to show your UU identity.
  2. How does your group embody Unitarian Universalist values?
  3. How does your group explore new approaches to Unitarian Universalist faith community, different from the style of a traditional congregation?
  4. What relationships do your members, and the group as a whole, have with other Unitarian Universalists?

Once you begin the application, you must complete it or start over (you cannot save your entries). Download a blank sample application (PDF) to see all the questions on the application (detailed explanations are included on the online form).

Fill out my online form.