Insert Next Worship into Newsletter (Post)

By Lyn Pearson
January 24, 2018, 11:11 pm EST
Until the latest UUA services update, I was using a plugin called latest-selected-content to insert the upcoming worship service into the body of our weekly and monthly news letters. The short code was: [latest-selected-content limit="1" type="uu_services" display="date,title,content" elements="0" status="future" orderby="dateA"]. This shortcode limits the display to one service and queries the post type "uu_services" and selects the service based on "future" status of all service posts arrayed by date. Of course, it was based on the posting date of the service. In the updated UUA plugin we use a different field to create the date and time of the service. Is there any way this date and time can be selected in a short code of some sort? What exactly is the date/time? It's not a posting date. In fact, I created 10 or so services on the same day, so their posting dates are also the same, although the service dates and times are all different. I hope this isn't totally confusing and that someone have some ideas. It's all going to hinge on what type of field date/time is. Is it a taxonomy of some sort? As it stands, what with the Sunday service roll-over problem and now this issue, I'm having real problems maintaining our site.