Update on the Annual Program Fund

Annual Program Fund APF Logo Amplifying Unitarian Universalism.

We are thankful for your support of all of the congregations in our Association through your contributions to the UUA Annual Program Fund and your Central East Region. Just think about all of the lives reached by Unitarian Universalism nationally, and the important, painful and necessary conversations that find a home in Unitarian Universalism, where we transform ourselves in hopes of transforming the world.

As we continue along the path of regionalization, we are further streamlining our system of Associational stewardship in the coming fiscal year. We want to communicate clearly what this means and how it will affect the way your congregation contributes to both the Central East Region and the UUA.

What will remain the same for Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018):

  • Your financial support of our Association through our UUA Annual Program Fund (APF) and through your Regional dues will remain vitally important. The vast majority of the budget for Central East Region programming and staff operations comes from your APF and Regional dues contributions. Your support provides services not only to your own congregation, but also to other congregations who count on your full participation.

What will be different for Fiscal Year 2018:

  • This week you will receive your annual pledge form from us, and it will look a little bit different.
    • There will be a message from our three Interim Co-Presidents.
    • The forms will list the amount requested for your Region, as well as for the UUA, and then a total combined amount. There will be a space for you to enter the single total amount that you pledge.
    • We will ask you to make your FY2018 contributions by sending single checks made payable to UUA-CER rather than by separate checks made out to UUA and to your Region.
  • The amount of combined dues you owe will be based on the district your congregation historically belonged to and your contribution to the UUA.
  • Please note that for the remainder of the current Fiscal Year 2017, you will continue to receive Regional dues invoices from the Central East Region as well as invoices from our UUA for any remainder of your FY2017 Annual Program Fund pledge.

We would be happy to help with any questions you have about Associational stewardship. You may reach out to Andrea Lerner (484-201-4384, alerner@uua.org) with questions about the nature of the program or Cristina Sanchis (302-377-8971, csanchis@uua.org) with specific financial questions. Norrie Gall, UUA Congregational Giving Manager (617-948-6514, ngall@uua.org) is also a resource as we transition to her office for invoicing and record keeping.

Friends, we are congregations in covenant. When each congregation becomes part of the Association, they pledge their support to the UUA. Your gifts to your Region and the Annual Program Fund are the fulfillment of a promise already made. Your contributions are used to provide programming and services to your own congregation, as well as to those throughout our Association, which we are faithfully providing. Thank you so much for your faithful giving, on behalf of all Unitarian Universalists.

In Stewardship,
Rev. Megan Foley, Regional Lead, Central East Region
Andrea Lerner, Associational Giving Program Manager, Central East Region
Cristina Sanchis, Financial Manager, Central East Region

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