Evolution of our Ministry to Youth and Young Adults: Your Participation is Valued!
By Ted Resnikoff
Evolution of our Ministry to Youth, Young Adults: Your Participation is Valued!
You’re invited to a Constituent Listening Session with UUA staff May 28 at 8PM Eastern Time on Zoom (dial in instructions below).
Join us to discuss reconfiguring UUA resources to be more effective at faith engagement with Unitarian Universalist youth, young adults, and youth and young adults of color. Your participation is essential in this moment of change and creation in our UU faith. We’ll discuss new developments at the UUA and welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions. This listening-based process imagines how to meet and serve the diverse spiritual needs of our constituency with faith and authenticity.
Add your lived experience, hopes, and dreams for what we have been and what we can become to the conversation.
Please send us your questions and ideas (email: blueboat@uua.org), or add them as comment below, and plan to attend the Constituent Listening Session!
Join the conversation on May 28 at 8PM Eastern here:
UUA Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: UUA Youth & Young Adult Constituents' Listening Session
Time: May 28, 2019 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 470 654 179
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