Displaying 1 - 12 of 12

  • WHEREAS, migratory workers are the most disadvantaged group in our population with below-minimum wages, sub-standard health and housing, and restricted opportunities for their children; and WHEREAS, protections of social legislation established for the benefit of industrial workers are non-existe...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Agriculture in Environmental Justice, Economic Justice
  • WHEREAS, denial of equal opportunities for education on account of race or color continues to be widespread seven years after the Supreme Court's unanimous declaration that the Constitution forbids it; and WHEREAS, such disregard for the supreme law of the land presents a moral crisis no less tha...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Racial Justice & Multicultural Ministries, Racial Justice
  • BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the President of the United States to promulgate an executive order prohibiting discrimination in federal housing and urban renewal programs and establishing a committee to develop a program of implementation of the same. BE IT...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity, LGBTQ Welcome & Equality, Racial Justice
  • WHEREAS, every second hospital bed in the United States is occupied by a mentally ill person with most public mental hospitals caring for 1,000 to 14,000 patients; and WHEREAS, medical knowledge has developed to the degree that many of the mentally ill could, with proper individual care, be retur...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, the settlement of international conflicts by war is inconsistent with our commitments under the charter of the United Nations and the prolongation of present tensions threatens mankind with annihilation; and WHEREAS, weapons of mass destruction are inconsistent with our moral and religio...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • RESOLVED: The Unitarian Universalist Association, in its First Assembly, reaffirming its devotion to the ideal of human liberty and brotherhood, extends its firm and continuous support to its member churches and fellowships in their efforts to express this in the present drive to desegregate our...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Racial Justice
  • BE IT RESOLVED: That in this troubled period of national self-examination and conflict of thought about future United States policy on Cuba, the Unitarian Universalist Association go on record as being opposed to United States military intervention, direct or indirect, in Cuba, but rather urges t...
    1961 | Resolution of Immediate Witness
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • WHEREAS, respect for the value of every human life must be incorporated into our laws if it is to be observed by our people; and WHEREAS, modern justice should concern itself with rehabilitation, not retribution; and WHEREAS, it has not been proved that fear of capital punishment is a deterrent t...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Criminal Justice, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, Unitarians and Universalists have historically and continuously supported our great public school system; WE REAFFIRM our pride in our schools and stand staunchly against any public funds through loans or grants being given to parochial or church-related schools as being unconstitutional...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health
  • WHEREAS, 1960 was the "Year of Africa" in that 17 new states became independent, 14 of which were admitted to the United Nations; and WHEREAS, in other areas of Africa, notably Algeria, Southwest Africa, the Rhodesias, Mozambique and Angola, Africans are denied self-government and other basic hum...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice
  • WHEREAS, the House Un-American Activities Committee and the Senate Internal Security Sub-Committee have failed to accomplish the purposes for which they were established; and WHEREAS, over the years of their existence, the effect of these committees has too often been only to harass people who he...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty
  • WHEREAS, meeting the medical needs of our aged population is a pressing social problem, and meeting the cost of medical care is frequently beyond the financial ability of the elderly; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association urge the Congress to enact legislation to...
    1961 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health, Religious & Civil Liberties