Mental Health
WHEREAS, every second hospital bed in the United States is occupied by a mentally ill person with most public mental hospitals caring for 1,000 to 14,000 patients; and
WHEREAS, medical knowledge has developed to the degree that many of the mentally ill could, with proper individual care, be returned to live useful lives in society;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the churches and fellowships of the Unitarian Universalist Association study their own communities to determine whether facilities and budgets are adequate for the care of mental patients within their own communities, such facilities to include psychiatric units in general hospitals, "half-way houses" for discharged mental patients, vocational and counseling services, and special classes in the public school system for emotionally disturbed and mentally retarded children;
BE IT RESOLVED: That member churches and fellowships strive to inform themselves in this field in order to give compassionate understanding towards the mentally ill as family, friends, or employers and to assist through direct volunteer service in appropriate places; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That Unitarians and Universalists accept positions of leadership in their communities where they can influence public opinion and government agencies so that the financial and medical needs of the mentally ill may be met.