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  • 1982 General Resolution WHEREAS, historic steps to end the warfare between Israel and Egypt were taken with the signing of the Camp David peace accords; and WHEREAS, the goal of United States policy, as it approaches the remaining central issues in the Middle East, should be to encourage, in the...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1982 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association supports the Dialogue of World Religions Affirmation of the International Association for Religious Freedom by affirming:"Like tide and time, religion is a natural force. We acknowledge religion as reality...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, Religious Pluralism
  • WHEREAS, the constitutional principles of religious liberty, and the separation of church and state that safeguard liberty, and the ideal of a pluralistic society are under increasing attack in the Congress of the United States, in state legislatures, and in some sectors of the communications med...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, the central issues for religion include the beginning, duration, nature and meaning of life, the extent to which individuals can be in control of their own lives and bodies, and the moral and ethical responsibility of individuals to the lives and bodies of others; and WHEREAS, the 1982...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, as religious people committed to reverence for life, we are deeply concerned by the threat to all life which is posed by the continuing acceleration of the nuclear arms race; BE IT RESOLVED: That the 1982 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association urges the Office of Soci...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, Nuclear Disarmament
  • That the Board, acting in the spirit with which it adopted the policy regarding states which have not yet ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), will continue the boycott of those states until September 1, 1982, as a means of demonstrating its concern for the failure of the Amendment....
    1982 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Gender Justice, Civil Rights & Religious Liberty
  • WHEREAS, the 1982 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association reaffirms resolutions on nuclear arms and human needs previously considered and adopted by the Association's General Assemblies; and WHEREAS, the 1981 global arms budget totalled $550 billion, about $100 billion of which...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict, Nuclear Disarmament
  • WHEREAS, the oceans of the world cover 70% of its surface; and WHEREAS, there is no international, oceanic policy; the United States has no such policy and recent incidents have shown the extreme dangers of competing national oceanic interests; and WHEREAS, the Law of the Sea Treaty is an...
    1982 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Climate & Environmental Justice
  • In view of the sensitivities involved in considering the moral dimensions of the Middle East crisis, the Board of Trustees reaffirms its opposition to anti-Semitism in all its forms and recognizes, along with much of the Jewish community, that criticism of the policies of the government of Israel...
    1982 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: International Human Rights & Justice, International Engagement & Building Peace
  • WHEREAS, in the spirit of inclusiveness without regard to age, family situation, or economic status; and WHEREAS, in the spirit of encouraging growth through participation of young adults in our movement; and WHEREAS, in the spirit of making ours an Association that provides religious opportuniti...
    1982 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Children & Youth Reproductive Justice, Economic Justice, Reproductive Health, Reproductive Justice