Displaying 1 - 11 of 11

  • WHEREAS, persistent delays in the legislative process of the Congress of the United States result from certain of its traditions, precedents, rules and procedures; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association favors the revision of procedures in both Houses of the Congres...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Election Reform
  • WHEREAS, every phase of the religious education of children ought to be entirely in the hands of their respective parents or of the persons and agencies that these parents freely and individually choose; BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association express its opposition to all...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, the President of the United States has stated that one-fifth of all American families have resources inadequate to meet their basic needs and has announced a war on poverty in America and has called for a cooperative effort to deal with its causes and cures; WHEREAS, the blight of povert...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Equal Opportunity, Economic Justice
  • WHEREAS, meeting the medical needs of our aged population is a pressing social problem, and meeting the cost of medical care is frequently beyond the financial ability of the elderly; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association urge the Congress to enact legislation to...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Reproductive Health, Religious & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, one hundred years after the abolition of slavery, the descendants of freed slaves still suffer from laws, customs, traditions, and prejudices that should have died with the institution in which they flourished; and WHEREAS, we believe it to be our deep responsibility to promote the full...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Racial Justice & Multicultural Ministries, Racial Justice
  • RESOLVED: That in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the Unitarian Universalist Association, this Association and its members hereby declare and affirm their special responsibility to promote the full participation of persons, without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin, in...
    1964 | Business Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Equal Opportunity
  • RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association, at its 1964 General Assembly, reaffirm, defend and promote the supreme worth of every human personality, the dignity of man, and the use of the democratic method in human relationships, as stated in the purposes and objectives of its...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty
  • The rise of violence in the political and social conflicts of American life endangers freedom of speech and assembly essential to democratic society....
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Civil Rights & Religious Liberty, Due Process & Civil Liberties
  • WHEREAS, the political and military situation in South Vietnam is steadily deteriorating; and WHEREAS, the danger of enlargement of the present war into a multi-national conflict is ominously increasing; and WHEREAS, the intent of the Geneva Conference of 1954 was to neutralize the whole Indochin...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • WHEREAS, the United Nations Assembly adopted unanimously Resolution 1907 on November 21, 1963, urging all member nations to endeavor to promote measures aimed at the elimination of international tension; and WHEREAS, the UN Assembly is convinced that devoting a year to international cooperation...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: International Peace & Conflict
  • WHEREAS, an effective ministry in the Unitarian Universalist churches requires both the full utilization of qualified persons now available and a continuing influx of able candidates; and WHEREAS, many are discouraged from entering the ministry because of widespread reluctance of churches and...
    1964 | General Resolution
    Tagged as: Beliefs & Principles, Racial Justice & Multicultural Ministries