Civil Rights
RESOLVED: That the Unitarian Universalist Association, at its 1964
General Assembly, reaffirm, defend and promote the supreme worth of every human
personality, the dignity of man, and the use of the democratic method in human
relationships, as stated in the purposes and objectives of its Constitution, and
as reaffirmed in the annual meetings of the Association and urge its member
churches and fellowships and their individual members to demonstrate their
support of these principles by:
- Defending the right of individuals to engage in non-violent demonstrations and non-violent civil disobedience for greater racial justice;
- Supporting the legislation currently under debate in the US Senate and urging no weakening of fair and equal employment and public accommodations sections and elimination of the amendment excluding atheists (Ashbrook amendment);
- Urging the use of executive orders to direct all federal agencies to administer federal programs without discrimination; and also urge the federal government to withhold the expenditure of federal funds from such state or local programs and agencies which discriminate against persons on the basis of their facilities, property, finances or services;
- Seeking to influence state and local governing bodies and officials to end apathy, police brutality and the use of unwarranted curfews wherever they exist; and to enact adequate state and local legislation toward ending racial discrimination in voting, employment, housing, education, and in places of public accommodation;
- Urging every citizen to work for freedom of residence in his own neighborhood;
- Working in human relations councils and other groups formed to further better understanding among peoples;
- Investing their funds in non-discriminatory enterprises; and
- Perfecting their non-discriminatory practices in all areas of human relationships.