A skit for Stewardship Sunday
By First Parish UU Church, Kennebunk, ME
This skit was presented to illustrate what we are asking when we say "Somebody could/should …" and to encourage members to become involved in activities at the church.
We made a list of volunteer roles specific to our congregation, referencing programs/ repairs and events we actually experience. We tried to select a range of activities that allowed all members to identify some they have or could participate in. A list of props specific to those activities was developed. Most of these were layered or hung over the edge of a large utility bucket.
The character I.M. Somebody wore work pants with a multitude of pockets. A leather work belt or pocketed vest could be used instead. The props we used are in parenthesis on the left for each named task.
Have fun and let reality happen. The idea is to illustrate that one person cannot hold all these items without dropping, misplacing, or confusing some. The activities take all of us helping each other.
Narrator: A Board member or Finance Committee member
Character: Imagine (pronounced Im-a-jean) Me Somebody, a.k.a. I.M. Somebody
Set up
Place a poster stand behind chancel or use front pulpit to represent our Wayside Pulpit. Prep tape to adhere a paper poster to it.
Place cell phone in a pocket and remaining props in bucket
Both narrator & I.M. Somebody should step to the mic & introduce themselves as:
Narrator: ____________ , [Board position]
Somebody: My name is Imagine M.; you can call me I.M. Somebody; a member of [congregation's name]. (carrying bucket of props)
Narrator: Maintaining and revitalizing our church involves numerous actions and talents, some large and some small, but all are important. This past year, we also asked somebody (turn to or indicate Character) to call members to check in and offer support when needed…
Somebody: pantomime a cell phone call: How are you doing? Ted said he could drive you to your appointment Tuesday. (cell phone goes in a pocket)
Narrator: …to put up posters…
Somebody: Grab posters and tape one to podium front or a convenient location
Narrator: …to install new energy-efficient lighting in the hallway, the office, and the entry…
Somebody: Add screwdriver and Amp meter
Narrator: …to bake for the auctions and make blueberry pies and muffins (keep listing until Character has all props)
Somebody: Stash the Amp meter. Put on an apron. Grab rolling pin & spatula
Narrator: …to act as Greeter, welcoming new and familiar folks on Sunday mornings…
Somebody: Dust off and free one hand and walk to someone to shake hands
Narrator: ….both in-person… and on ZOOM…
Somebody: Rush back to chancel and put on headset
Narrator: …to paint the steps (front and back), the restrooms, and the music room…
Somebody: Deliberate, then swap spatula for paint brush
Narrator: …to write about events and committee happenings for the weekly newsletter…
Somebody: Stow the spatula in apron pocket and grab a pen & paper pad
Narrator: …to make sure we our we have fuel, and the furnace & steam boiler were working…
Somebody: Try to stash rolling pin in tool belt or pocket. Grab pipe wrench and sign “$4.19/3500 gal”
Narrator: …to check for leaks and fix pipes in the crawl space & attic…
Somebody: Don head lamp
Narrator: …to maintain the Wayside Pulpit messages…
Somebody: Stash tools in tool belt. Stuff a Wayside Pulpit message under one arm & oil sign under other. Have poster stand to place it on. Post wrong one by putting the oil price on the wayside pulpit.
Narrator point out error or look confused. Character swap posters.
Narrator: …to usher Sunday services now that we are back in person…
Somebody: Pick up collection basket & accept Narrator’s offering)
Narrator: …to make & answer phone calls… (Narrator play a phone ring)
Somebody: Pat pockets trying to remember where phone was placed. Find and answer it.
Narrator: …to trim the hedges, weed, rake or water the garden…
Somebody: Put collection bowl on head and grab garden tool and small rake trimmer
Narrator: To facilitate discussion groups, sing or speak at a worship service, organize an event like the auction, the Blueberry Fair or (insert name of other congregational activities).
Somebody: Look at Narrator with a "you need me to now do what?!?" look)
Narrator: Looks like Somebody is going to need some help.
(Pause, change tone)
At the recent retreat, many great ideas were suggested for somebody to implement.
Our church calls us to "bring all that you are." This includes all our talents—known, and yet to be discovered. To light our way forward into the upcoming year, (pause) … we are asking……..
In unison, Narrator & Somebody sing:
"Can anybody find us ……some BODIES to help?"(sung in the style of Queen’s song ‘Can Anybody Find Me Somebody to Love’)
—authors: Alicia Soliman and Kim Lord