Living Your UUism
Living your Unitarian Universalism (UUism) means...
If a grieving neighbor needs some companionship, you brew the pot of coffee and sit down to listen.
Living your UUism means...
If your children or grandchildren steal toys from others, you take the time to explain why they must learn to share and respect others.
Living your UUism means...
If your local soup kitchen needs warm bodies to serve food to the homeless on Tuesdays at noon, you give up one of your regular bridge games, put on an apron, and pitch in.
Living your UUism means...
If one of your kids (or someone else near to you) is weeping from a broken heart, you reach out, and wipe away the tears.
Living your UUism means...
If your elderly relative or friend is living in a nursing home, you bring a song or picture for her room to brighten her day.
Living your UUism means...
If a co-worker needs your principled defense, you take the risk to stand up for what is right.
Living your UUism means...
If your nephew lives alone, slowly dying of AIDS, you set aside your fear of his illness and mortality and go, simply go and help.
Living your UUism means...
If a relief agency needs funds for the victims of some natural calamity, you write your check, and write it for a little more than you can afford.
Living your UUism means...
If your community needs a recycling center, you volunteer to serve on the organizing committee.
Living your UUism means...
If some stranger (perhaps someone of minority status) is being harassed or demeaned in a joke or in person, you speak up from your sense of justice and refuse to be an accomplice in that abuse.
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