Meditation on the Power of We

A crowd of protestors, from behind. One person holds aloft a sign, "Black Lives Matter," while in the background a Black person uses a microphone

Put your feet down, because we’re about to do embodiment.
Close your eyes. Breathe in and breathe out.
When you hear the word liberation—liberatory spirit, liberatory life, liberatory possibilities—what does that conjure in your soul?
When you hear, “We are the liberating force, spirit, light, and love,” what does that conjure in your spirit?
When you hear that we have the power to transform the world around us, what does that mean in your bones?
When you hear, “We are the people that we have been waiting for”—we are!—how does that feel in your blood?
We are the light, we are the wisdom, we are the ancestors, we are those yet to come. How do we fully hold all of that in ourselves?
Open your eyes. Look at the people around you…
And go out and organize.