A goal without a plan is just a wish.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupery
In today's workshop, you will continue to plan for the Poetry Slam. If after the workshop you feel the need for additional planning time, establish a time to reconvene. If you are doing a fund-raiser during the Poetry Slam, do not forget to include the organizers in all your plans.
This workshop will:
- Honor our spirits, creativity, and craftsmanship by making poems and sharing them with others
- Plan a public performance of poetry
- Solidify the roles each individual will play in the Poetry Slam
- Rehearse the choral reading
- Optional: Rally individual and collective energy toward fund-raising for congregational youth activities or another purpose of the group's choice.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- Volunteer their talents for the purpose of group creation
- Recognize that many different talents are needed to create a successful performance
- Experiment with synergy by taking words from several individual manuscripts and creating a new manuscript that is different
- Affirm the work of other writers within the congregation by incorporating their work into a choral reading