Consent Form
Part of Families, Jr. High School
Youth enrolled in our congregation's lifespan faith development program are participating in a program called Families. The program looks at families through the lens of our UU Principles and aims to broaden and deepen respect, appreciation, and care for different kinds of families.
As part of the program, youth are creating a collaborative visual representation of many families from our congregation. They will photograph families and interview them. After the photographs and text are prepared, the youth will show them to the families and ask for their input. Ultimately, the photographs and text will be used in a display or presented to the congregation.
We would be grateful for your participation in this project. Please read the information below and sign if you are willing to participate.
Thank you.
__ I agree to participate in the youth photo-documentary project.
__ I agree to be photographed and interviewed.
__ I understand that I can withdraw from the project at any time.
__ I understand that I can approve photographs and/or text before they are displayed or presented.
__ I understand that all materials will become the property of the congregation sponsoring the program and that those materials will not be used outside the congregation.
(Although only the signature of an adult is required, all family members who are able to sign are invited to do so.)
Signature ________________________________________
Date ___________
Signature ________________________________________
Date ___________
Signature ________________________________________
Date ___________